DT Receiver - Rx100-T-v503 - Programming

PRODUCT: Rx100-T-v5


Settings in the Rx can be changed using a standard Tx. One output or feature (ie: one row in the table) is programmed at a time. Levels 1-2 usually select the output and Levels 3-5 change its characteristics.


Level 1
'H', 'F', 'P' or 'Other'
Level 2
Output number
Level 3
Output type
Level 4
Channel number
Level 5
Other choices
Default Information
1 flash = 'H' outputs Not used

2 flash = 'F' outputs Not used

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1-8 flash = P1-8 1 flash = Servo 1-7 flash = Channel 1-7 3212 1-8 servos no mix

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1 flash = P1 2 flash = Servo 2 channel mix
1-7 flash = 1st Ch 1-7 1 flash = 0% mix
2 flash = 12.5% mix
3 flash = 25% mix
4 flash = 50% mix
5 flash = 100% mix
P1/P2 used as a pair
3 flash = 'P' outputs 2 flash = P2 2 flash = Servo 2 channel mix
1-7 flash = 2nd Ch 1-7 1 flash = not reversed
2 flash = reversed
P1/P2 used as a pair

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1-8 flash = P1-8 3 flash = Servo 'Full stick'
control over 2-way ESC
(separate direction channel)
1-7 flash = Primary Ch 1-7
(power level)
1-7 flash = Direction Ch 1-7
31313 This option can be enabled once on any Pad
Low stick 0%, full stick 100%
'Direction' channel toggles forward/reverse
(when 'Primary' channel is 0%)
Set 'Arming' position to 'low'

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1-8 flash = P1-8 4 flash = Brake or Reverse led 1-7 flash = Activating Ch
1 flash = Brake
2 flash = Reverse
1 channel controls 2 outputs

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1-8 flash = P1-8 5 flash = Left indicator led
6 flash = Right indicator led
7 flash = Flashing led (0.5s)
1-7 flash = Activating Ch 1-7 flash = Steering Ch 1-7 34542
1 'activating' channel controls 3 outputs
1 'steering' channel cancels left/right
Steer channel picks up 'trim' on startup
Activ. stick left/right <1s = L/R on/off
Activ. stick left >2s = Hazards on/off
Activ. stick right >2s = Flasher on/off

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1-8 flash = P1-8 8 flash = On/Off led 1-7 flash = Channel 1-7 1 flash = 'high' stick >2s on/off
2 flash = 'high' stick <1s on/off
3 flash = 'low' stick >2s on/off
4 flash = 'low' stick <1s on/off
1 channel controls 1-4 outputs
Outputs 'toggle' on/off

3 flash = 'P' outputs 1-8 flash = P1-8 9 flash = On/Off led 1-7 flash = Channel 1-7 1 flash = 'low' stick on
2 flash = 'high' stick on
38912 1 channel controls 1-2 outputs
Up to 4 leds using 2-4 channels
'Center' = off

4 flash = Other settings 1 flash = 'Other 1' 1 flash = Arming: Disabled
2 flash = Arming: Low stick
3 flash = Arming: Middle stick
1-7 flash = Arming Ch 1-7 1 flash = LVC Disabled
2 flash = LVC Enabled

4 flash = Other settings 2 flash = 'Other 2' 1 flash = LED2 Disabled
2 flash = LED2 Enabled
1-8 flash = LED2 Pad P1-8 1 flash = 12Hz PWM
2 flash = 60Hz
3 flash = 130Hz
4 flash = 300Hz
5 flash = 700Hz
42245 LED2: use a Pad number that is driving any Led
LED2: 'disable' if all outputs are servos

12-700Hz PWM frequency for H and F outputs
(not relevant to this receiver)

4 flash = Other settings 3 flash = 'Other 3' 1 flash = No reset
Factory Reset = Restore Defaults




Step 3

Step 4

Steps 5-9

Options are organised into menus usually relating to a type of output.
Level 1 and 2 usually select the output number (eg: 2-flash for 'P' then 4-flash for 'P4').
You select a row in the table above and make up to 5 choices, one for each level.

Invoke programming mode:
1. Switch Transmitter on.
2. Ch3 (Elevator) should be normal, not reversed.
3. Hold left/right sticks (Ch2/4) in towards middle of Tx (use rubber band if necessary).
4. Switch Receiver on and wait for the Led to flicker very fast.
5. Center all sticks.

Make choices:
6. The led flashes the setting for the first 'Level' (eg: 1-flash = Motor output 'H').
7. Yes = push the Ch3 (Elevator) stick forward (to top of Tx) to accept this option and advance to next Level.
8. No = pull the Ch3 (Elevator) stick back (to bottom of Tx) to see next option for same Level.
9. Continue through all Levels until Led comes on solid.

Settings are saved automatically at the end so switch off at any time to abort.
Say 'yes' to every item to just see what is currently set.

Changing 'P2' from Ch4 to Ch5.
Level 1: 3-flash = P
Level 2: 2-flash = P2
Level 3: 1-flash = Servo
Level 4: 5-flash = Ch5

4. DX3:

1. Use full 'brake' to make receiver enter programming mode on startup.
2. Use 3-position Aux channel to make yes/no choices.

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