Rx102-v110 - Programming



The type of output for each Rx102 Pin can be changed using Prog3 or Prog4. One output is changed at a time.

Prog3 Pin 1 - always 1-flash.
Prog3 Pin 2 - selects the receiver's output number (eg: 3-flash = Pin3).
Prog3 Pin 3 - selects the type of output (eg: 1-flash = servo).
Prog3 Pin 4 - selects the controlling channel number (eg: 4-flash = Ch4).
Prog3 Pin 5 - changes other characteristics (any value if not used).


Level 1

Level 2
Output number
Level 3
Output type
Level 4
Channel number
Level 5
Other choices
1 flash 1-8 flash = P1-8 1 flash = Servo

1-7 flash = Channel 1-7 (eg: 1,2,1,4 = P2, Servo, Ch4)

1 flash 1-8 flash = P1-8 2 flash = On/Off led 1-7 flash = Channel 1-7 1 flash = ON when Ch is low
2 flash = ON when Ch is mid
3 flash = ON when Ch is high

4 flash = OFF when Ch is low
5 flash = OFF when Ch is mid
6 flash = OFF when Ch is high

Off in other positions
(eg: 1,3,2,5,1 = P3, On/Off, Ch5 Low ON)

On in other positions
(6 options from v110-3)

1 flash 1-8 flash = P1-8 3 flash = Directional Light
Center off

1-7 flash = Throttle Ch1-7 (eg: 1,6,3,1 = P6, Front Center off, Ch1)
1 flash 1-8 flash = P1-8 4 flash = Directional Light
Center off

1-7 flash = Throttle Ch1-7 (eg: 1,7,4,1 = P7, Rear Center off, Ch1)

1 flash 1-8 flash = P1-8 5 flash = Directional Light
Low off

1-7 flash = Throttle Ch1-7 1-7 flash = Direction Ch1-7 (eg: 1,6,5,1,3 = P6, Front Low off, Ch1 Thr, Ch3 Dir)
1 flash 1-8 flash = P1-8 6 flash = Directional Light
Low off

1-7 flash = Throttle Ch1-7 1-7 flash = Direction Ch1-7 (eg: 1,7,6,1,3 = P7, Rear Low off, Ch1 Thr, Ch3 Dir)


Throws, centering and direction of channels associated with Pin1, Pin2 and Pin3 can be changed as described in the Rx102 instructions.

To change these settings for channels associated with other Pins:
* set them up temporarily on Pin1, 2 or 3
* change the settings as required.
* reconfigure the Pins for the correct function/channel.

The changes to throws, centering and direction will be 'remembered' even when that channel is no longer associated with Pin1, 2 or 3.

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